Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Black Dc

Black Dc

This Version Dc All Jabber Types
Make Hang Symbian version if need is not bad
dc fully for desktop
 GAjim got freeze
Exodus Get Destroyed
And more ....

The Important thing in this tool ... that the id 
not block or burn :D
but dont use the ids with login and logoff for more time ....

you just need 15 ids for this tool

and you can put your all flood ids to split it fast in 15 ids

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR MOBILE TOOLS VISIT:::::::::::  NIMBUZZ-FLOODERS.TK

ADD ME ON mani2592@nimbuzz.com

Anti Logger

Anti Logger

Anti Spammer And Logger ProTection v1

This tool will save your own ids from stealing

before you Start Any Nimbuzz Tool, firstly, Click on Protect After you finish froom nimbuzz tools like flood etc .. then click on un protect >> to  uncrypt your ids and password ...

NOte : THis version is work with windows 7
with xp just protect desktop and jajc ids only

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR MOBILE TOOLS VISIT:::::::::::  NIMBUZZ-FLOODERS.TK

ADD ME ON mani2592@nimbuzz.com